The war against Testosterone

Click pic:  The Benefits of Optimal Testosterone @ The Art of Manliness
So many things in our environment today have an adverse effect on testosterone levels in men that one finds it difficult to believe it's not all done by design.  To be honest, I do think this is one of those conspiracies that is real:  there is a war against men (think feminism) and one of targets is testosterone levels.

You can and must fight back.  You'll probably also notice that there are all kinds of blogs and sites that offer advice to boost testosterone.  Most of this advice seems to be good advice, though I'm no doctor.  I would just suggest staying away form any type of supplement or chemical treatments.  It just makes good sense to be all the male you can be.

 Here's a few pointers:

  • Life heavy things.
  • Stay away from sugar
  • Use wood, glass or metal utensils.  Stop using plastics for food preparation and eating/drinking
  • Have sex.  Have a lot of sex.  The marriage bed is undefiled.
  • Avoid soy based products
  • Lose weight
  • Reduce stress.  Delegation can work wonders if you're able to trust your partners.
  • Eat meat.

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