Modified Spencer Plan

A modified Spencer Spanking Plan...will go along well with the household rules. If you don't have a well thought out set of household rules and procedures, you really should get to work. Men, put just as much (if not more) effort into running your own house well, just as you would in your job. Your family is your business, first and foremost. Have your women sign this.

Discipline Agreement for Wives and Concubines

Date ______________________ 19___

I, . ____________________________ wife of _________________________.

I do hereby acknowledge that I have read the Household Rules and Spanking Plan and approve of the doctrines it advocates. From this date on it is my wish to have my conduct regulated by the enforcement of these doctrines. I give to my husband, therefore, the full right and permission to spank me whenever he feels such discipline would prove helpful and be in accordance with the spirit of the Household Plan. This Agreement has been entered into willingly -- and for no other purpose than to improve my disposition and secure the general benefit that always comes from the enforcement of intelligent discipline. I understand that I will be spanked without fail if I break my promise to refrain from:

(List Causes)

I promise to cooperate with my husband faithfully. I will get ready for the punishment promptly when asked to do so and I will bear him absolutely no ill-will for so disciplining me.

I promise further to ASK for spankings when I feel I need them. I realize that Request Punishment plays a highly important part in the Spencer Plan, and I will report and ask for the discipline when I feel need or deserve it.

X _________________________________ (wife)
X _________________________________ (husband)

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