The wife writes:
Have you ever experienced the beauty of being together after being disciplined, when the dark clouds that hung over the relationship are gone, blown away by the cleansing of the discipline, and the sun comes out again to shine on a couple’s renewed love and devotion?
Well, I have, and it was a glorious experience. Let me try to relate it to you as best as I can.
Discipline was due, and the bare buttocks were red and glowing after it was dished out in its proper form and fashion. When it was all said and done, my husband looked at me with loving eyes and took me in his arms and kissed me with such passion that it took my breath away. What followed was like nothing we had ever experienced before. Never before had we known better that we belong together, that our union is forever. The touch of his hand and the eagerness in our kisses, the sheer force of nature that played out… It was wonderful, amazing, beautiful. And when we lay together afterwards, we looked at each other knowing something wonderful had taken place, and that it was directly connected to the situation that preceded it. Wow.
Whatever trouble had let to the discipline had been cleansed away, had left without a trace. There was peace of mind, and lots of room in our hearts for each other and for the passion that can arise between couples who know who they are, where they are going, and who they are going with. Praise be to God!
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