At the same time the esteemed parents was mediated, but this attitude show the children how much the parents love them. Mass regulations and rules were downright sign that children were not loved, because you but with rules restricting their freedom, their development disabilities, spoiled her character. Authority was a bad thing, but had, we were told, made the Authoritaetsglaeubigkeit the German National Socialism under Hitler only possible.
However, any reasonably solid bible Christian must admit that the Holy Scripture is entirely disagree there. Without wishing to cite here a lot, I can say that in the Bible the father who loves his son chastises him betimes, that he quite developed, and this is regulated, the question of authority quite simply: If you love me, Jesus says, then you do what I command. This also means that God says very clearly what is good and right and how we should conduct ourselves, in short: God is the absolute authority figure.
In this context, it is of course also domestic discipline an issue. Anti-authoritarian education has many of us almost spoiled for the profit that draws a relationship of clear roles and an equally clear Authoritaetsstruktur. Who has not been used to it in childhood, that the father and the mother was to follow, has great difficulty in a husband to behave opposite in an appropriate manner, and men who were anti-authoritaer educated, have no role model from their childhood, which helps them to lead their families well.
Let the lies of the anti-authoritarian education drop back and return to a natural and healthy Relations to each other within the family. Love shows itself in the fact that one takes care about each other and that one is interested in the good development of family members. Run is the opposite. And who wants to lead his people, must have the right to criticize and put on the right path.
Take courage! God is with you!
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