"For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry." (1Sa 15:23)
My wife read a discussion in a group the other night about a wife that asked other women for help. That wife didn't want to follow her husband's lead concerning modest dress and some other biblical matter that she claimed her husband did not want to study. She vented that her husband had his mind made up about it and was unwilling to look any further, though his opinion was based on corrupted Scripture, and that she could not help but teach her daughters the word of God anyway. This lady feared that her husband's inconsistency would breed rebellion in her daughters...
Wow ! And guess what ? Most of the women answering supported this lady in her ways ! Only one lady mentioned 1 Peter 3:1-7, but nobody agreed with her, at least openly, and they even called her arrogant and got upset because she dared to say that obviously the lady asking for help had a rebellion issue herself ! This lady knows her husband doesnt want their daughters to be taught in a certain way, and she tries anyway....and asks other women for advice, and these other women really want to encourage her to be rebellious.
It was overly obvious to me and my wife that of course this lady was rebellious. She thought she understood the bible better than her husband. She said she could not help but teach God's word to the children in one particular matter, against the expressed will of their father. She said he was inconsistent, but what about herself ? Who is the head of the house ? Who is responsible for the spiritual education of the children and the wife alike ? Who is the one who will be held responsible for it all by God in the end ? It's my duty to be aware of what my family does, and to protect the family, including grown adult wives, from the negative influences of others. Another "little General" running around trying to command the troops leads to confusion and such !
So, if she were my wife, and I caught her doing these things, I would punish her, that simple. Let me list the reasons:
#1, she would have been spanked for turning to a group of women for support without telling me. That's a serious issue indeed. If it were me, I would be aware of what the wife is doing online, who she is interacting with and so forth. I certainly am in my own house.
#2, she would have been spanked for speaking bad about me in front of these women, claiming that her understanding of Scripture was superior to mine. That's Eve's sin all over again, and only excuses her rebellion really. She should b a helpmeet, not the guide.
#3, she would have been spanked for being rebellious in her whole attitude. That man had clear ideas about the way his wife and daughters dressed, he had clear ideas about other scriptural matters, and she would teach the children that their father's opinion was not in accordance with Scripture, according to her own assessment - well, how much more rebellious can you get ? She tries to usurp authority !
#4, she would have been spanked for calling me inconsistent and blaming any potential rebellion in my daughters on me. She is the one who is to teach the daughters, by example, what it means to be obedient to your husband (and father). She doesn't do that, obviously. I am the one who is to teach them Scripture, but she tries to take it out of my hands. And the bible calls this sin, as bad as witchcraft.
Now you tell me if she would not have deserved spanking... Most of those women on that group obviously need a good spanking, actually, for encouraging one of their "sisters" in her rebellion against her husband !
Christian men, take the lead, do not commit Adam's sin, and do not let your wives commit Eve's sin all over again !
Technorati Tags: Rebellion, Christian Domestic Discipline, spanking, modest dress, inconsistency, teaching God's word, husbandry, responsibility for the family
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