Submissive Women are Attractive

It might sound strange in modern society, but it is true for men who are willing to take a stand and be what God meant them to be, heads of their houses, godly leaders of their families: They find submissiveness in women very attractive, much more than independence. They are not looking for women who seemingly need no one and are perfectly fine with running the show at home. They are looking for a help meet.

So let me explain what is so attractive about submissiveness:

1. It is godly behavior. The godly women of the bible show this attitude, and Paul and Peter remind wives that this is what God expects of them, and what will do their husbands good. No matter how crafty of a home maker, like the Proverbs-31-woman, submissiveness and obedience to her husband is still a wife's most prized virtue, a quiet and honest spirit, chaste conversation, and faithfulness to the husband and his house. I will only give you two references as examples: Ephesians 5 and 1 Peter 3.

2. It shows the husband how much his wife loves him. If she submits herself to his care and good judgment completely, he knows she will be honest and faithful to him all her days, do him good and not evil, and will raise his children in a godly manner. She will not do him or his house any harm because she fears God, and knows her place.

These are the qualities a godly husband looks for in a wife. A woman who submits herself completely and in all things to her husband is a treasure: rare, difficult to find, and worth keeping even if she is a little troubling at times and needs spanked... Women, remember this!

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